Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I finally finished my crochet bee.... I call him Bartholemew Buzz Bumble Bee.
I started crocheting animals in the late winter and have really enjoyed it. My first two attempts were small Amigurumi bunnies and the next a small Amigurumi mouse. I then tried something larger and made a 15" bunny. My bee has taken me well over two months working on him bit by bit in the evening while I watch TV. I had such fun with him. His antennae are a little too big but it gives him charm and uniqueness. Now that he's done, I think I'll try something else. What do you think of him?


Jenn said...

I think he should buzz on over to my house!! hee hee.

Alisa Noble said...

Hi! I saw your cute little bee on Jenn's blog and wanted to tell you that he is just darling!

Natasha Burns said...

Oh he is such a cute bee! What a labour of love he was